On this page we'll include detailed directions or a map to our location. Please stop by to visit us for a service or
other event.
If you're coming from north Highway 9, continue driving until you reach the Prarie Dental Clinic. Turn left until
you pass the Social Service Department. You will see the church across from Social Services.
If you're coming from the south, stay on Highway 9 and continue driving until you reach Prarie Dental Clinic. Turn right,
past the Social Service building. You will see the church on the opposite corner.
If you're coming from the East, go west all the way down to 1st Street East, and take a right. Go past 1st Ave E and
the Somerset Apartments and there on the corner is the church!
If you're coming from the west, turn left on Highway 9 by Cenex until you get to Prarie Dental Clinic. Turn right, past
the Social Service building. You will see the church on the opposite corner.